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Translation in Practice
Maggio 11, 2010, 4:26 PM
Filed under: en traduisant

Ce lo ha segnalato una corsista del Corso in traduzione editoriale, lo abbiamo letto (nel giro di una domenica), ci è piaciuto, ve lo segnaliamo. Si può acquistare sotto forma di vero e proprio libro, oppure scaricare gratuitamente come PDF (nella stessa pagina). Fondamentalmente è un sunto del ruolo del traduttore, del ruolo dell’editor e della relazione tra i due.

“Though translation is a vital part of any vibrant literary culture, no practical guide to the process of translating foreign works into English and preparing them for publication has yet been made available to prospective translators, editors, or readers. In February 2008, editors and translators from the US and UK came together at the British Council in London to discuss “best practices” for translation of literary works into English. This volume comprises the results of that meeting, a collection of summaries, suggestions, and instructions from the leading literary translators and publishers. It is intended as an introduction, the first in an ongoing series of documents to be published by Dalkey Archive Press that will address the challenges faced by translators, publishers, reviewers, and readers of literary translations”.

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